And then there were 8…
It is most definitely time for an update on what’s been happening at Jet Art HQ! These delays are inevitable I’m afraid. Everytime they need me to write a blog post, Jet Art have to bust me out of a secure institution using ever more fiendish deceptions/disguises and take me to their secret base in North Yorkshire where I have 24 hours to write everything up before the authorities catch up with me to take me and my sock puppets back to the ward.
You may recall from the last post we had a rake of JPs parked up in the yard patiently awaiting new owners. Well, the first trainer is away! At the end of May we hauled XW434 downt to Halfpenny Green Airport in Wolverhampton and reassembled her in her new position as gate guard outside the flying school there.

Shame it was a bit of a glum, drizzly day because you can’t really tell how good she looks in situ

Our recently departed JP wasn’t the only movement though. The Wessex has also gone, and I can tell you that maneuvering our massive chopper into place was no mean feat. “Unsuitable for HGVs” said the sign, as our 60 foot trailer edged past with inches to spare. Chris himself had to sit astride the Wessex rotor head bay to move branches and phone lines out of the way.

As always, the hard work and careful planning paid off though. The end result was a very happy new owner and one seriously impressive lawn decoration.

I suspect the most high profile event at the end of May was the delivery of ANOTHER Tornado! This time an ex-617 Squadron GR1 in wraparound camo, a scheme I’ve always preferred to the modern grey one. We’d carefully dismantled the “Norfolk Land Shark” (did anyone in-service actually ever use that nickname, or is it something geeks like me like to think was used) and transported her to Selby HQ for a re-assembly . This particular tornado is a combat veteran, having seen action during the 1st Gulf War and had the distinctive ‘Granny’ nose art during that period.

Keep checking the blog because there’s more to come (especially about the Tonka!) very soon.